Saturday 21 June 2014


I really think that I am a bad friend. Cause I know friends are suppose to be there for each other when times get hard. And I don't think I'm that kind of person. I mean as much as i want to i cant be a good friend. If i were o receive a call I would probably get some scolding from my mother. Its quite sad actually cause I'm turning 21 in a few days time and my parents still control EVERYTHING that I do. I do understand that i still live under their roof and they still do take care of my expense so I don't really have much say in anything. Anyway back to the main topic, I really think I'm a bad friend. wait no no, I don't think I know I am. I'm not the type of person who talks to my friend everyday. But I do check up and stalk my friends occasionally to check up on them. It's not that I don't have the time to spend time with them it's just that i have to set my priorities right. And I don't think what i can give is enough cause people have to always compromise with me because of the circumstances that I am in. That's why now when friends leave because of my lack of presence I won;t really blame them. I'm not a good friend. I actually feel lousy typing this out and it all sounds like excuses. But I can;t do anything about it. I'm really sorry. I wish i could be better.

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